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Screenshot Github Build Failed

#9 When GitHub Actions Build Fails Due to pnpm-lockfile

/ 2 min read



When deploying projects using GitHub Actions, encountering errors can be a common but frustrating setback. Recently, I faced an issue with a mismatch in package versions and outdated dependencies, which typically suggests running a specific command. However, in my case, the typical solution didn’t work. This post details a successful workaround.

The Problem While attempting to deploy an Astro site via GitHub Actions, I encountered an error indicating that my project’s lockfile was outdated in relation to the package.json file, preventing the build process. The error specifically stated:

ERR_PNPM_OUTDATED_LOCKFILE Cannot install with 'frozen-lockfile' because pnpm-lock.yaml is not up to date with package.json

Common advice suggests using pnpm install --no-frozen-lockfile to resolve such issues, but this did not work for me.

Step-by-Step Solution

Here’s how I successfully resolved the error:

  1. Analyze the Error: Start by closely reading the error message provided during the build process. It often points directly to the nature of the issue, which is typically related to dependency management.

  2. Synchronize Your Lockfile:

    • First, ensure your local development environment is set up correctly. Run pnpm install to update all dependencies and synchronize the lockfile (pnpm-lock.yaml) with your package.json.
  3. Update the GitHub Workflow:

    • Modify your GitHub Actions workflow file to include the pnpm install command (optional) without the --frozen-lockfile flag. This allows pnpm to update the lockfile during the CI/CD process if necessary.

    • I personally prefer to run the pnpm install command locally and the run the build process in the CI/CD pipeline. I don’t include the pnpm install command in the workflow file to avoid package conflicts when running the build process.

    • Here’s a snippet to include in your .github/workflows/build.yml:

      - name: Install Dependencies
      run: pnpm install
  4. Test Locally:

    • Before pushing your changes, test the build process locally. Run pnpm run build to ensure everything compiles without errors.
  5. Push Changes and Rebuild:

    • Commit your updated pnpm-lock.yaml and workflow files to your repository and push them to GitHub. Monitor the Actions tab to see if the build passes.


Terminal window
pnpm install
pnpm run build

… can do wonders!

Any Questions?

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